Atrocity Denial Is (Sadly) The Norm

Credit here.

Holocaust denial is a big issue in some parts of the world. Social and political influences have created a climate in places like France and Iran where it’s very common for people to downplay the Holocaust, claiming that only a few- if any- were killed and that there were never any gas chambers. It’s a stark contrast to the United States where people employ the terms “Hitler” and “Holocaust” on social media when talking about border control and the detention of undocumented immigrants. Canada has passed laws dealing “inciting hatred” that they have used to prosecute a few people who have publicly denied the Holocaust.

My point being that in the US and Canada, most people know the Holocaust happened. Holocaust denial is out of favor or even illegal in some areas. However, these types of denials may be the general rule rather than the exception– even in the United States and Canada which so carefully remember the horrors of the Holocaust.

For example, during the Rwandan genocide, the UN quibbled about whether there was an actual genocide in Rwanda of just “acts of genocide”. President Clinton encouraged Americans to go see Schindler’s List and then refused to take efforts to stop the genocide in Rwanda. In America, denying atrocities can make you a celebrity and get you a standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival. Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 claimed that Iraqi citizens were living normal, quiet lives prior to the invasion of Iraq, which is untrue. In 1988, thousands of Kurds in Anfal were killed in a genocidal campaign. And Abu Ghraib was a torture chamber long before the Americans ever showed up. It’s not just a small fringe group who support these views. The movie grossed over $200 million and movie review sites show that the vast majority of viewers give it a positive review. 

Vietnam is another situation where Americans misunderstand what was going on before American involvement. I think the former peace protester interviewed on Ken Burns’ documentary of the Vietnam War summed it up in his comments: “These people were living their lives and we came in and told them how to run their country.” No. The people of Vietnam were killing each other in horrendous ways before the Americans showed up. Ngo Dinh Diem, president of Vietnam in the 1950’s had a campaign to imprison, torture and execute Communists while the Communist rebels (Viet Cong) employed a campaign of terrorism and assassination against Vietnamese government officials. But in America, we don’t talk about how Vietnam was already at war with itself in the first place. Whether we showed up or not, Vietnam was going to suffer. Saying that the war was wrong or we never should have gotten involved doesn’t change that suffering.

I once saw Elie Wiesel on Oprah talking about the Rwandan genocide. He was appalled that after the Holocaust the world would allow a slaughter like Rwanda to happen. It’s not enough to remember the Holocaust and look away from the other dark parts of our world. In fact, if we deny the other atrocities in the world, I don’t think we have remembered the Holocaust at all.


Sometimes, More Firepower Isn’t the Answer

Have you ever heard of the Memphis Belle? She was a B-17 bomber plane from early days of World War II European bombing missions. She’s notable because her crew did what seemed impossible: they completed 25 missions and they all survived.

OK, that’s cool, you’re thinking. Flying bombing missions into Europe is dangerous stuff. That’s amazing that they all survived together. Oh, but when you actually find out why it was so dangerous, that is when you begin to truly appreciate how remarkable the crew of the Memphis Belle were.

See, in the early days of bombing campaigns in Europe, being on a bomber crew was almost a matter of when you would be killed, not if you would be killed. B-17’s were flying from Britain into Germany mostly unescorted, meaning the bombers would fly in together in tight formation (during daylight) over Germany without any fighter planes to fend off the German air force (Luftwaffe). The Luftwaffe was waging a pretty successful bombing campaign against Britain’s manufacturing centers (which is why many children were sent to the countryside like you see in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Bedknobs and Broomsticks), and they never sent any bomber on a mission without a fighter escort.

So what did the aircraft powers-that-be do?

They added more guns!


Lots and lots and lots and LOTS of guns. And armor! They added so many guns and so much armor that the B-17 became known as “The Flying Fortress”. The idea was that with the fighters flying in tight formation with a whole lot of .50 caliber machine guns would create a crossfire that would fend off the enemy, allow the bombers to fly in and bomb German factories and then fly back to base. It sounded so good on paper.

Unfortunately, hitting a smaller, fast moving German Me-109 from a turret inside an airborne fortress proved to be extremely difficult, whereas hitting a gigantic, slow moving B-17 while zipping around the skies in said Luftwaffe fighter proved to be really easy. Bomber casualties kept mounting, many of them crewed by teenagers on their very first bombing mission. It was in this environment that the Memphis Belle miraculously completed 25 missions without losing a single man. (What was their secret? Well, they have said “teamwork”, a “damn good pilot” and “divine intervention”.) The Memphis Belle was far from immune to the damage of the Luftwaffe. On their very last mission went something like this: “Chief, the tail is hit. The whole back end is shot off! It’s blazing! The whole tail is leaving the plane! Chief, it’s still on fire. There goes another piece!”

Obviously, something had to be done– and it couldn’t be adding more guns since that wasn’t working. It became apparent that the US Army Air Force was going to have to take a lesson from the Luftwaffe and get long-range escorts for their bombers. After some development work, the P-38 Lightning and P-47 Thunderbolt rolled off the factories and hit the skies. These were newly equipped with special drop tanks to allow them to fly greater distances and proved to be successful in defending the bombers on their missions, though they still lacked the capability to escort bombers deep into Germany. (By the way, that wonderful drop tank wasn’t considered for increasing distance at first, just endurance during air combat. Then the lightbulb came on when designers realized it could help both ways.)

Then an even better fighter, the P-51 Mustang hit the Army Air Corps. Finally, America had a fighter plane that could go the distance and cause some serious damage to the German war effort. By this time, it was 1944 and as you know, victory wasn’t too far off because the USAAF was finally using the right tools in the right way.


I think life is a lot like this. Sometimes, we’re faced with a big, seemingly insurmountable problem. We keep trying things that sound good on paper,  but don’t work well in practice.  There may be earlier “drafts” that get closer, but don’t get the job done. But looking at the problem from a different angle can be the best way solving it.

Who gets to be patriotic?

A couple of years ago singer Lilly Allen proclaimed that she was “ashamed to be British” because of Britain’s slow processing of visas for Afghani minors trying to enter the country without parents. Ms. Allen stated, 

“It just seems that at three different intervals in this young boy’s life, the English in particular have put you in danger.

“Bombed your country, put you in the hands of the Taliban and now we’re putting you at risk, risking your life to get into our country. I apologise on behalf of my country. I’m sorry for what we’ve put you through.”

Now, we’re not going to talk about the fact that Ms. Allen is mistaken on two counts and probably unfair in her assessment of her third accusation. (British troops have not been bombing Afghanistan indiscriminately and, in fact, British troops were risking lives to bait terrorists to fire on them in order to fight them because the rules of engagement would not allow them to fire on known terrorists unless under fire themselves. Also, the British had nothing to do with the Taliban taking over Afghanistan. And Britain and France are trying to provide safety to children from a war torn country despite the mountain of bureaucratic hassle that accompanies refugee children entering the country without parents. But then a bleeding heart and celebrity status are frequently used as substitutes for ethical reasoning and historical knowledge.) What we’re going to talk about is her willingness to condemn her country for a single problem… in order to make herself look better.

Condemning one’s country has become en Vogue for celebrities (actress Carey Mulligan has also joined in as well.) Those who were alive during the Vietnam War likely remember Jane Fonda’s trip to Vietnam wherein she condemned American soldiers who were being tortured for years in North Vietnamese prison camps as “war criminals” and made pals with the  North Vietnamese army that had committed such atrocities as the Dak Son and Hue Massacres. Concurrent with this is the implication that being patriotic means ignoring all the bad things about your country.

But that brings me to my point: Who gets to be patriotic? By Ms. Allen’s, Ms. Mulligan’s and Ms. Fonda’s (former) reckoning, it seems we should hang our heads in shame over the Vietnam War and Britain’s immigration bureaucracy. Ms. Allen and Ms. Mulligan seem ready to throw out the fact that their nation outlawed slavery before the US and saved thousands children from the gas chambers and fire pits of the Holocaust with the Kindertransport. And while there were serious fundamental problems with the American engagement in Vietnam, the United States provided a home for millions of people fleeing oppression and has been a nation free from tyranny and with strong rule of law.

So who gets to be patriotic and proud of their country? Afghanistan? Well, Afghanistan was governed by the brutal and backward Taliban for years, so they have atrocities in their history. How about Vietnam? Well no matter which way you slice that country, crimes against humanity we’re committed and both the North and South Vietnamese took part. And if you dig through any other nation’s history, you’ll find violence and abuse. And you’ll also find great things too. Afghanistan has a long and rich history and culture and has been at the crossroads of many great civilizations.  Vietnam has a culture that is over 2,000 years old with beautiful art and music. Those are things that the people of those countries should be and are proud of, but they still want to make their countries better. And we should be no different. Patriotism does not mean living in an illusion about your nation’s past or present. It means celebrating the good things, addressing the bad things and improving them.





Family History, Military History- How My Ancestors Just Missed The Sepoy Mutiny

The diary of my several times over great-grandfather Henry Frederick McCune seems normal enough: “We left New York about the first week in May [1857] for Iowa City, The Outfitting Point.”

It belies the close call he had, because May 1857 was not only the start of his journey across America with a wagon team, but also the start of a conflict known by many names: “The Sepoy Mutiny”, “The Indian Mutiny” and the “First War of Independence”. 

But let me back up a bit. Matthew and Sarah McCune and their children were some of a few– if not the only–Latter Day Saints (a.k.a. Mormons) in India during the 1850’s. Matthew McCune was a British Army doctor and had been sent to that corner of the empire. They spent several years there, in fact their son Henry was born in Calcutta. They had an understandable desire to join with others who shared their beliefs and had talked about emigrating to America for some time. As 1857 started, they decided now was finally the time. They left their home in India and started out on their voyage. Around the time Henry records they landed in New York, Bengal soldiers at the Meerut garrison shot their British commanding officers after longstanding tensions over British treatment of Indians hit a breaking point.

The fighting became intensely violent on both sides as Indian soldiers slaughtered not only British officers but in some instances entire settlements of British women and children. Some British soldiers retaliated against the uprising by bayoneting Indian soldiers or even shooting them from cannons. The conflict lasted into the summer of 1858. The British took back the seized territories and put down uprising, but it laid the groundwork for Indian independence later on.

Yep. It really was the right time for the McCunes to leave India.



Imperialism— You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

princess bride inigo montoyaI hear people describing America’s involvement in different conflicts from 1965 on as “American imperialism”.

That’s not imperialism.

Imperialism is defined as: 

“the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.”

This was a policy in America- under Teddy Roosevelt. The US tried to make the Philippines a territory/colony of the US. (Before WWII the plan had been to get the Philippines independent, but then the Japanese Imperial army invaded the Philippines. The ill-equipped American military tried to defend it with Filipino help, but failed. The Americans got the Philippines back during a long fight. After WWII the Philippines gained independence. )

In Vietnam, the objective was to strengthen the South Vietnamese military to fight takeover by the Communist North Vietnamese army and keep the existing democratic government in place.

During the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein ordered an invasion of Kuwait. Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Middle Eastern nations appealed to the United Nations for help in getting Iraq out of Kuwait. When Saddam Hussein refused to leave Kuwait by the UN deadline, international forces led by the US intervened to force Iraq out.

In Somalia, the objective was to capture trade routes so that UN food shipments would actually reach the people of Somalia instead of being hijacked by Aidid’s forces to force support or punish dissenters. The UN orders stressed restoring law and order and helping the Somali people set up a democratic government of their own. 

In Afghanistan, the objective was to work with anti-Taliban allies in the Middle Easy to oust the Taliban (which had attacked the US) and help the Aghanis install their own democratic government and train the Afghan army and police to combat insurgents on their own.

In Iraq, the objective was to catch Saddam Hussein, try him for war crimes and execute him if found guilty, then help the Iraqis establish a democratic government and to train their police and military to defend themselves against insurgents.

Why don’t these countries just fend for themselves? They’re impoverished. They don’t have the resources that US does to train and arm their police and military like the US does. We are fortunate to live in a nation that is so abundant.

None of these examples fit the definition of imperialism.

So why does this fashionable use of “American imperialism” persist?

Because it allows for a very comforting illusion: 

That the US government and military is the main source of evil in the world. Since protests and votes have the potential to influence the use of the US military forces, the concept of “American imperialism” supports the belief that evil can be contained and doesn’t truly exist on a massive scale in the world. If left to themselves, people will treat each other kindly is the wish that the myth of “American imperialism” is built on. Ironically, people who are upset about “American imperialism” typically claim that they care about human rights, yet they ignore murder, rape and torture and that takes place when the US fails to intervene. We have seen that a lack of US intervention as nations invaded other nations led to World War II and to civil conflicts like the Bosnian War, the Rawndan genocide, and the rise of ISIS.

Truthfully, the people who say they are against “American imperialism” fit the definition of isolationists.

Could You Identify Another Holocaust?

Lately I see a lot of people on Facebook comparing the treatment of illegal immigrants to the concentration camps of the Nazis and saying that this is how the Holocaust started. These arguments are based on two ideas: 1) That problems with immigration are unique to the Trump presidency and 2) That the treatment of undocumented immigrants at detainment centers is similar to that of prisoners in concentration camps in Nazi Germany. Neither of those ideas is accurate:

Timeline for Immigration Issues In the US Since the end of World War II

  • 1952- McCarran Walter Act (immigration quota system upheld). This dictated how many immigrants from different parts of the world the US would accept, favoring some ethnicities over others. President Truman vetoes the bill calling it both absurd and cruel, but Congress overrules him.
  • 1954- Eisenhower launches a nationwide sweep of undocumented immigrants.
  • 1956- The Hungarian Revolution against the Soviet Union fails and Eisenhower uses a provision in the McCarran-Walter Act to provide emergency admission for aliens to allow increased admission of Hungarian immigrants. This is later used by other presidents to allow admissions for other refugees seeking political asylum.
  • 1959- Castro takes over Cuba and thousands of Cubans flee to Florida. In response, the 1966 Cuban Adjustment Act is passed to allow permanent resident status to Cuban refugees who arrive in the US after 1959.
  • 1964- The Bracero program is ended under mounting pressure from labor activists over the abuse of Bracero workers. The Bracero program was instituted by the Mexican and American governments in 1942 to provide temporary work to Mexican citizens and resolve the labor shortage in the US created by World War II. The Bracero program contained stipulations for the protection of workers—protection from harm, free housing, affordable meals, and insurance. But the rules are broken by many employers. Illegal immigration from Mexico increases dramatically.
  • 1965- Lyndon B. Johnson overturns the McCarran Walter Act and enacts the the Immigration and Naturalization Act which focuses on family reunification rather than maintaining ethnic quotas.
  • 1974- In response to the human rights abuses of Soviet Jews, the US adds the Jackson-Vanik Amendment to its trade act which basically required Communist nations to allow free emigration of people wanting to leave a Workers’ Paradise if the Communist nation wanted to continue to trade with the US. Half a million Soviet Jews and Christians emigrate to the US.
  • 1975- The Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act is passed to help refugees from the political turmoil of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
  • 1980- Refugee Act broadens the scope of the definition of refugee and and allows for an almost threefold increase in visas.
  • 1986- Regan enacts the Immigration Reform and Control Act which requires employers to ensure that their employees are not undocumented immigrants.
  • 1990- President Bush signs the Immigration Act of 1990 which increases the number of visas again and adds highly skilled workers to a list of preferences for immigration. It also set a cap on the number of unskilled workers allowed and created a diversity lottery to distribute visas among immigrants in underrepresented countries.
  • 1994- Operation Gatekeeper. President Clinton authorizes $50 billion to build a 14 mile security fence around the Tijuana border crossing. (Hhhhmmm… this sounds a little familiar.) Clinton also doubles the number of border patrol agents.
  • 1995- Frustrated with the United States’ lax approach to Cuban immigration, Castro threatens to allow a mass exodus if the US does not take action against illegal boat departures from Cuba. Both countries sign an agreement stating that the US Coast Guard will no longer accept Cuban immigrants intercepted at sea without credible asylum claims, but those who make it to land will be allowed a path to citizenship.
  • 2001- The DREAM Act is introduced to allow undocumented children to gain a clearer path to citizenship if they meet certain requirements like graduating from high school or serving two years in the military. The bill get through several revisions, but ultimately languishes. Obama vows to make it part of his comprehensive immigration reform in 2012.
  • September 11- After the 9/11 attacks, Department of Homeland Security is created, dissolving the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Airport screenings are enacted and border patrol is strengthened. Men from predominantly Muslim nations are required to undergo additional screenings.
  • 2008- George W. Bush initiates the Secure Communities program which allows local law enforcement to share data with Immigration and Customs Agency to target and deport undocumented immigrants who commit crimes. Barack Obama expands the program during his presidency.
  • 2010- Arizona governor Jan Brewer signs SB 1070 into law that makes it illegal to transport, hire, or house undocumented immigrants and allows police to check immigration status during routine traffic stops (“papers please”). The federal government files suit over the bill and ultimately the Supreme Court strikes down several measures in the bill, but keeps the controversial “papers please”.
  • 2012- Obama defers the deportation of undocumented immigrants who were childhood arrivals
  • 2013- Obama introduces a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would allow a clear path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. It passes in the Senate but fails to clear the Republican led House.
  • 2014-  More than two dozen states, mostly led by Republican governors, sue the Obama administration for failing to enforce the nation’s immigration laws. Also this year, some children who arrived as undocumented immigrants were released from the foster care system to sex traffickers.
  • 2015- The US increases the number of refugees admitted in response to conflicts in several parts of the world. Also this year, Obama administration is criticized for allowing senior US diplomats to water down the data on human trafficking reports to give certain countries better rankings than were recommended.
  • 2017- Trump signs in a travel ban that suspends the refugee program for 120 days, bans Syrian refugees indefinitely, and decreases the cap on refugee admissions to fifty thousand. It also bans nationals of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen from traveling to the United States for ninety days. In response to a restraining order on the ban from a federal judge, Trump makes modifications, like allowing Iraqi citizens back in. After Supreme Court review, the travel ban is revised to permit close family members of immigrants from the banned countries to travel to the US. (I just have to ask, “Why even bother if you’re concerned about terrorism and certain people are only banned for a few months? A terrorist could come in after the travel ban is over.)  Also, Trump’s funding proposal for a border wall are repeatedly turned down.

OK, let’s look at the first year that Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany, 1933:

  • January 30-Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
  • March 22- Dachau concentration camp opens
  • April 1- Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses
  • April 7-Laws for Reestablishment of the Civil Service barred Jews from holding civil service, university, and state positions
  • April 26- Gestapo established
  • May 10- Public burning of books written by Jews, political dissidents, and others not approved by the state
  • July 14- Law stripping East European Jewish immigrants of German citizenship

So just to review, we have decades of immigration policy that has been welcoming or prejudiced to certain groups based on politics. And Hitler’s rise to power looks like nothing like the state of affairs in the US. We have no state mandated boycott of immigrant shops and businesses, immigrants are not barred from the civil service, we have no secret police, no public book burnings and no immigrants who have citizenship have been stripped of their citizenship. And no, we don’t have concentration camps. Detention centers for undocumented immigrants who are apprehended trying to enter the country bear very little resemblance to the places where undocumented immigrants are held:

Living conditions in detention centers for undocumented immigrants:

  • Must provide food, clothing, some basic medical care in a relatively clean facility that has indoor plumbing
  • Detain people who have legal citizenship elsewhere but have come to the United States without documents- which is illegal (not necessarily immoral, but illegal)
  • Can not legally torture or abuse detainees; detainees can work with charitable organizations if they have complaints 
  • Allow access to legal resources for asylum or immigration 

Living conditions in concentration camps (from Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning):

  • Provided one extremely meager meal, one set of ragged clothes and no little to no medical care with no sanitation.
  • Prisoners were stripped of their citizenship because their ethnicity or because they disagree with the government 
  • Torture, medical experimentation, beatings and starvation were encouraged 
  • Prisoners had no rights, legal or human

The need for immigration form is legitimate, but using the Holocaust as a comparison is not only illogical, but denies the suffering of the millions of people who experienced one of the world’s worst atrocities:


undocumented immigrant detention center
Detainees at a detention center for undocumented immigrants
Prisoners liberated from Ebensee concentration camp


But then, if Americans think that another Holocaust would look like the detention of undocumented immigrants, maybe that’s why we have missed so many genocides before:

Memorial for the victims of the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 under Milosevic’s ethnic cleansing campaign. 
photos of rwanda genocide victims
Memorial at the Genocide Memorial Center in Kigali, Rwanda. Photos are of people killed in the genocide of 1994. 
Shoes exhumed from a mass grave of the victims killed in the 1988 Anfal genocide in Iraq

Anthrax, Smallpox and the Military: What Are The Risks?

Potential sources of anthrax.

If you’re in the military, what are the chances you’ll get anthrax from a bioterrorism attack? How about smallpox?

Anthrax and smallpox are two diseases that have been classified as having potential for bioterrorism purposes. Diseases that have bioterrorism potential have to have certain characteristics. Basically, a disease has to have the potential for high morbidity and mortality, has to cause infection at low doses and has to be easily transmitted. There are a relatively small number of diseases fit the bill. For example, HIV is absolutely deadly. But it requires blood-to-blood contact, which is a lot harder to pull off in large numbers in a sneak attack. Influenza spreads easily but doesn’t usually result in death or serious complications in healthy individuals. (It can do a lot of damage among the elderly though.)

There are actually three types of anthrax: cutaneous (skin), gastrointestinal (stomach) and pulmonary (inhaled). Cutaneous anthrax is very rarely fatal, gastointentinal anthrax is fatal about 25-60% of the time, and pulmonary anthrax is the one that is the potential bioterrorism threat because it could be spread quickly through inhalation. Smallpox spreads through usual person-to-person contact.

I’m just going to come out and say this: routine vaccination of members of the armed forces is not evidence-based by any stretch of the imagination. There is absolutely no evidence that being in the military puts anyone at greater risk of contracting anthrax.  There’s a theoretical risk, but we don’t have any cases of soldiers actually contracting anthrax from a bioterrorist weapon. 

There have only been a few cases of anthrax in the US within the last fifty years- some natural and some bioterrorism related. The naturally occurring cases were actually related to weaving with sheeps wool and drumming on animal skin drums. Remember the 2001 anthrax attacks? The victims were all civilians. Much of the circumstantial evidence points to Dr. Bruce Ivins, a scientist working on a new anthrax vaccine, though it’s not definitive. (Fun fact: Louis Pasteur tried to develop an anthrax vaccine by stealing from a rival scientist and then claiming the work as his own. Pasteur did a lot of “borrowing”. I’m not a big fan of him.)

Smallpox vaccines were used briefly as a precaution against bioterrorist attacks after the eradication of smallpox. This practice was discontinued because occasionally a soldier would actually become sick with smallpox and sometimes even spread the disease. The price was too high to continue because these cases of smallpox contracted through the vaccine-though rate- could bring back the eradicated disease. After September 11, concern over bioterrorism prompted the reintroduction of the smallpox vaccine. This changed in 2007 when a toddler developed smallpox after his father—recently vaccinated for smallpox in preparation for deployment overseas— transmitted the disease to him. (Both the father and the son had a history of eczema, which increases the risk of transmission through casual skin-to-skin contact.)

OK, but what happens if you do happen to be in the crosshairs of bioterrorism attack and haven’t had an anthrax vaccine? (Like most of the civilian population.) Often the mortality rate for anthrax is placed at 80-100%, but that’s not entirely accurate. Looking at the more recent cases of anthrax in the US—both natural and bioterrorism related—there are more variables. 

The last natural death from pulmonary anthrax in the US happened in 1976 when a weaver worked with some wool from Pakistan that carried anthrax spores. In 2008 a drum maker in the UK died from anthrax after working with uncleaned animal skins. The 2001 anthrax attacks showed that while the historical death rate from pulmonary anthrax was placed at 80-100%, for people who received early antibiotic treatment, the death rate might may be closer to 45%. And some of those were in frail health to being with. A young healthy person may have better odds than that. (Side note: In 2009, there was one case where a woman became sick from gastrointestinal anthrax after participating in a drum circle where some animal skin drums were used. She recovered after two months in the hospital. 84 people who were at the drumming circle were contacted by the New Hampshire State Health Department and one accepted antibiotics and vaccine, 36 accepted antibiotics, 26 didn’t do anything, and 2 were lost to follow-up. No other cases of anthrax were reported.)

But all this is assuming that you were infected with a “garden variety” Bacillus anthracis. There is speculation that these kinds of pathogens could be genetically manipulated in many different ways. We’ve already seen the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria and vaccine- resistant pertussis. If somebody “edits” the genes of B. anthracis, the vaccine may provide little defense against it. (Same for smallpox.)

But none of that has happened.


Just A Reminder: You Don’t Live In A Fascist State

When I was about 9 years old, my parents had a subscription to Readers’ Digest. I was at a pretty advanced reading level, so I started reading it. (This was back when Readers’ Digest had really substantial stuff.) I found out at a young age that there was a whole world out there where people were people suffered in unimaginable ways.

killing fields mass grave
Sign from the Killing Fields of Cambodia memorializing a mass grave.

I read about Dr. Haing Ngor who witnessed a third of his country’s population tortured and murdered over the space of four years and watched his wife and unborn child die in one of Pol Pot’s “re-education” camps. He later won an Oscar for Best Supporting actor for his portrayal of Dith Pran in the 1984 movie The Killing Fields. I read about a man who managed to survive the gulags of the Soviet era. He was imprisoned because a friend had drawn a political cartoon on a cigarette carton at his house and thrown it in the trash there. The secret police searched the trash and found the cartoon. I read about a woman who worked in Romanian orphanages rehabilitating children who were part of thousands of unwanted births under Ceaucescu’s regime which outlawed not only abortion but contraception of any kind. (Yes, Mom and Dad, if you are reading this I spent my free time in grade school reading about crimes against humanity.)

Political prisoners in a gulag.

The summer before I started fifth grade my school had its annual book fair. For some reason, two books jumped out at me: Year of Impossible Goodbyes by Sook Nyul Choi and Grab Hands and Run by Frances Temple. Both books are classified as fiction, but are based on actual people and events. Year of Impossible Goodbyes is about a young girl growing up in North Korea at the end of World War II. Her country and her family are destroyed first by the Imperial Japanese army and then by the Soviet Union. Grab Hands and Run is about a 12 year old boy who flees El Salvador during the country’s brutal civil war because his father has been kidnapped by the government and because the government was forcing 12 year old boys to fight in the army. 

Other things came too. Later that year my grandmother loaned me a copy of Zlata Filipovic’s diary where I read about a girl only slightly older than me who had seen her friends die from the warfare that had engulfed her once beautiful and proud nation.

National Library of Sarajevo 1992
National Library of Sarajevo, 1992.

My father told me about the Holocaust. As I got older, I saw a documentary on the Nanking Massacre. I learned about children forced to be soldiers in parts of Africa as I watched Oprah during the summers between school. I learned of famines in Ethiopia and Somalia that were caused by dictators withholding food as a weapon.

The other day, I came across a Tweet that had been copied and shared all over Facebook and was now showing up in my newsfeed. A woman was responding to the announcement that the NFL would fine players who knelt during the National Anthem would be fined. The woman was obviously enraged. She blamed Trump and accused the president of instituting “national capitalism like Germany and China”. She stated that this is how fascism happens.


This is not how fascism happens.

Fascism does not happen by a private corporate entity declaring that their employees/contractors must stand during the National Anthem or be fined. And if you can say that your government is fascist on Facebook and not be killed or imprisoned, you don’t actually live in a fascist nation. Fascism is ushered in with government instituted torture, imprisonment, rape and murder on a scale we Americans can’t imagine. (Also, China is a Communist nation that abhors capitalism and the Nazis were the National Socialist German Workers Party. And if you want someone who is really in the running for worst president ever, I suggest taking a look at Andrew Jackson.)

The United States has plenty of problems. (I have an entire blog devoted to the mess that is our health care system.) But we don’t live in a fascist nation and saying that we do cheapens the the suffering of those who actually have.

Martyrdon or Murder at Masada?

Tall, tall is the wall of Masada.
Deep, deep is the pit at its feet.
And if the silent voice deceived me,
From the high wall to the deep pit
I will fling me.
And let there be no sign remaining,
And let no remnant survive.

-Isaac Lamdan

Aerial_view_of_Masada_(Israel)_01.jpgIn 70 C.E. the Romans conquered Jerusalem and massacred many of the city’s inhabitants. But a few escaped and continued to fight in the few last strongholds available. The last of the Judean rebel strongholds was a fortress called Masada. Embedded in a cliff with rough, steep sides, the luxurious former resort of King Herod must have seemed almost impenetrable to the rebels. And for three years the 966 Judean men, women and children of a Zealot group called the Sicarians seemed to have won as they raided Roman troops who crossed their paths.

But all that changed the morning that Roman legion X Fretensis arrived at Masada. Rome had waged a four year war with the Zealots to take Jerusalem— in addition to the uprisings and rebellions that had gone on during the 30-40 C.E. period. Roman control of Judaea must be absolute. No renegades could be allowed to continue fighting— no matter how seemingly small and insignificant. This was the world’s most powerful army. They had the resources to bring the great fortress to its knees. And they would do exactly that.

Artist rendering of what the siege of Masada may have looked like.

The Romans started by constructing a wall around the fortress and posting guards by it. Masada had been built with few ways to get in or out and now the Romans controlled the only way to the outside. The high stone walls and few entrances were an asset until the Romans turned that defense into a vulnerability. Next, they built an enormous ramp that reached from the ground up to the entrance of the fortress. And once that was completed, they laid siege to Masada with battering rams, catapults and fire. 

But once inside, there was nothing to lay siege to.


The rebels were dead. Josephus’ account says that a couple of women and a handful of children managed to hide as the men killed their families and then each other. Murder or suicide, the inhabitants ended up dead rather than facing the Roman version of justice- torture and execution or slavery.

There are many ways to view the siege of Masada. The Roman army exercising its oppressive authority over a band of insignificant rebels. The courage of freedom fighters to hold out until the end. Some say that the Sicarians’ leader Elazar Ben-Yair was less hero and more villain as he persuaded his followers to commit mass suicide. 

Remnants of the Roman ramp to Masada

Another side of the story that is often overlooked was the way in which the Sicarians underestimated their enemy and put themselves in a position where Masada’s strength became its very weakness. Were the Sicarians possessed by hubris thinking that with Masada they could take on the ancient world’s greatest military, or did they simply make a fatal miscalculation as they chose their place to make a last stand? 

So little is known about the last moments of the Judean rebellion and yet they left behind so many physical remnants of their daily lives. The only thing we know for sure is that Masada provides us with endless mystery.

A Bad Peace: Fact Checking Chris Hayes’ and Matt Dawson’s “The Good War”

My husband dug up this comic strip of the “The Good War” in a newsfeed and forwarded it to me earlier this year. A few months and one major car crash later, I have finally been able to respond.

Chris Hayes’ blog post can be found here. A very hip comic strip of Hayes’ post was done by Mark Dawson. For all who are interested, it can be found here. I am italicizing Hayes’ words, my responses will be placed in normal text.

But first, we’re not even going to start with the text. We’re going to start with the website this was found on, The Nib. I pulled it up so that I would have “The Good War” comic strip in front of me to fully understand each argument and cartoon. I was quickly met with a text box with an email opt-in that said “Rise and shine, the world is doomed.”

The world is doomed???

Any media company that makes this their slogan to get you to opt in to their emails has absolutely no idea what has gone on in human history. Military and civilian deaths from war are the lowest they have ever been in the past 500 years. I am in the middle of listening to Dan Carlin’s podcast on public torture and execution throughout history. We live in a time where most of the world abhors and has made illegal the torture of criminals both in public and private. People used to sit and watch and cheer at the most barbaric acts even a few hundred years ago. Today, we start questioning whether it’s humane to allow a convicted murderer to choose death by firing squad in Utah. (Heck, these criminals even get to choose a final meal. How many innocent people throughout history were publicly tortured and executed without that much?) This was my first clue that there would be a certain amount of inaccurate information in this piece. Now onto the main event…

On September 11, 2001, George W. Bush wrote the following impression in his diary: “The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today.” He wasn’t alone in this assessment. In the days after the attacks, editorialists, pundits and citizens reached with impressive unanimity for this single historical precedent. The Sept. 12 New York Times alone contained 13 articles mentioning Pearl Harbor.Five years after 9/11 we are still living with the legacy of this hastily drawn analogy. Whatever the natural similarities between December 7, 1941, and September 11, 2001, the association of the two has led us to convert–first in rhetoric, later in fact–a battle against a small band of clever, murderous fundamentalists into a worldwide war of epic scale.

A worldwide war of epic scale? The total number of deaths for World War II is conservatively placed at 60,000,000– though the number of civilian deaths in China alone may be well over 50,000,000. The most generous estimates for civilian casualties in Iraq estimate 500,000– and these are not direct war casualties. These numbers include indirect causes like hospitals being overwhelmed with war wounded, contaminated water, etc. The Iraq War is nowhere in the same realm of destruction as World War II. Furthermore, the documental centre for Human Rights in Iraq has compiled documentation for over 600,000 civilian executions in Iraq under Saddam Husseein— these would be direct killings and would not count indirectly deaths related to his regime such as being unable to receive medical care, accumulated stress from living under a brutal dictator or public health hazards like water contamination.

The toll has been steep: more than $1 trillion will be spent for the ongoing combat and occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq; 2,900 dead American soldiers, 20,000 wounded, and somewhere between 50,000 to 150,000 dead Iraqi and Afghan civilians. 

See above. Also, civilian casualties in the Middle East have increased dramatically since the 2011 withdrawal of American troops.

We have detained hundreds of “enemy combatants” in Guantánamo, denying them due process, and until recently, habeas corpus. The terms “black sites” and “extraordinary rendition” have entered our lexicon, respective euphemisms for secret U.S. prisons abroad where torture occurs and for the practice of transferring prisoners to other countries that employ torture. Polls show international opinion of the United States at record lows.

So you’ve established that torture is morally repugnant. You’ve asserted that United States government (or its soldiers) should not be involved in torture. But you have not addressed how the United States or the rest of the world should have dealt with Saddam Hussein’s use of torture on civilians and his genocide of 180,000 Kurdish men, women and children. Is torture only bad if Americans do it? Is it OK for Iraqis to torture other Iraqis? It seems that you’re asserting that United States should never have gotten involved in Iraq, but you seem to be against torture. A more productive line of reasoning to explore in this piece might have been how to stop torture and human rights abuses in Iraq without a full out war, but you (many other Westerners) have failed to address this fundamental issue.

How did we get here?

The best place to look for the answer is not in the days after the attacks, but in the years before. Examining the cultural mood of the late ’90s allows us to separate the natural reaction to a national trauma from any underlying predispositions. During that period, the country was in the grip of a strange, prolonged obsession with World War II and the generation that had fought it.

The pining for the glory days of the Good War has now been largely forgotten, but to sift through the cultural detritus of that era is to discover a deep longing for the kind of epic struggle the War on Terror would later provide. The standard view of 9/11 is that it “changed everything.” But in its rhetoric and symbolism, the WWII nostalgia laid the conceptual groundwork for what was to come–the strange brew of nationalism, militarism and maudlin sentimentality that constitutes post-9/11 culture.To fully understand what has gone wrong since 9/11, it is necessary to rewind the tape to that moment just before.  

Before the storm

The flag of our fathers The new militarismThe perils of unityThe late ’90s was a strange time in American history. With the Cold War over, the country faced no overarching enemy for the first time in decades. The United States seemed possessed of no greater national purpose than making money through IPOs and an ever-expanding Dow. Our politics were dominated by the petty and trivial: from school uniforms to the president’s sex life.  

Actually, there was plenty going on in the ’90’s that could have been addressed in political discourse and action but wasn’t. The United States’ hesitancy to get involved in international affairs during the Clinton era came at a high price. In Rwanda during the spring of 1994, 800,000 people died over a 100 days while the world stood by and largely did nothingIn Srbenica, over 7,000 men of all ages were executed over 10 days and tens of thousands of Muslim refugees fled when UN peacekeeping forces failed to take action against a Serbian assault. This was the product of three years of American foreign policy attempting to muddle through Serbian atrocities instead of committing greater forces. The ’90’s were not the finest hour of the international community in protecting human rights. There was plenty going on, school uniforms and Clinton’s sex life just proved to be a convenient distraction from genocide.

Memories of former glory rushed in to fill this vacuum. In 1994, the 50th anniversary of D-Day prompted both an NBC special commemoration hosted by Tom Brokaw and the publication of historian Stephen Ambrose’s D-Day June 6, 1994: The Climactic Battle of World War II, which would go on to sell 800,000 copies. The book attracted the attention of Steven Spielberg–a man with a preternatural sense of the zeitgeist–who would launch the pop cultural phenomenon in all its excess in 1998 with Saving Private Ryan, which opened to rave reviews and grossed $433 million. 

Well the fact that the ’90’s was 50 years after World War II and that people should be reexamining the this time period isn’t exactly strange. We’re at the 50 year mark for the start of the Vietnam War and Ken Burns decided to make a documentary about it (which I strongly suggest you see). Possibly a little more odd is that there were three different movies about the Vietnam War that all debuted in 1987 (Hamburger HillGood Morning Vietnam and Full Metal Jacket), but Hollywood goes in for multiple movies about the same subject matter all the time–tornadoes, volcanoes, unplanned pregnancy…

An explosion of associated products came on the heels of Saving Private Ryan’s commercial success: Brokaw’s three “Greatest Generation” books (which sold 5 million copies), a book about veterans of the Pacific Theater called Flags of Our Fathers (a film adaptation produced by Spielberg and directed by Clint Eastwood will be released this fall), and a clunking Bruce Willis vehicle called Hart’s War. With such an irresistible financial incentive, Ambrose would generate 10 more books between 1994 and 2001, including a distilled history of the war for “young readers” called The Good Fight. Tom Hanks, who starred in Saving Private Ryan, became a kind of WWII commemoration crusader, cutting a series of radio ads that advocated for a World War II memorial to be built on the Mall. After a seven-year-campaign, it was dedicated in 2004.

But fighting World War II stopped the Holocaust. Isn’t that a good thing?

Nostalgia quickly descended into kitsch: In 1999, People named “The World War II Soldier” one of its “25 Most Intriguing People,” right next to Ricky Martin and Ashley Judd. But unlike so many pop culture phenomena, this one had legs, extending into the new millennium when Hollywood released the summer blockbuster Pearl Harbor in May 2001. Months later, HBO broadcast with great fanfare “Band of Brothers,” a miniseries based on Ambrose’s eponymous book about the exploits of the famed “E Company” as it fought its way across Europe. Produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, the series debuted on Sept. 9, 2001.  

The 90’s had no monopoly on World War II movies. A small slice of the canon of World War II movies goes as follows: Casablanca (1942), Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944), Stalag 17 (1953), The Dam Busters (1955), Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), The Guns of Navarone (1961), The Great Escape (1963) The Dirty Dozen (1967), The Longest Day (1962), Where Eagles Dare (1968), Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970), Kelly’s Heroes (1970), Patton (1970), Midway (1976)… I could continue on ad nauseum, but the point is that people have made movies about World War II since, well, World War II. World War II became a uniquely uniting experience in that an entire generation of people from all over the world shared the experience of being involved in an international conflict. People want to understand World War II and explore it. It’s a necessary part of understanding the world we lived in which was affected by it.

Explaining why he made Saving Private Ryan, Steven Spielberg told an interviewer, “The most important thing about this picture is that I got to make a movie about a time that my dad flourished in.” During the Vietnam War, Spielberg explained, he resented people like his father who were proud to be American and displayed the flag. “Only when I became older did I begin to understand my dad’s generation,” Spielberg said. “I went from resenting the American flag to thanking it.”That American flag receives loving treatment in Saving Private Ryan’s opening moments, when it stiffly, proudly flutters across the screen. In fact, the flag, which had become a legendary culture war symbol after being torched during Vietnam protests, enjoys an earnest revival throughout the literature of the WWII nostalgia. In Flags of Our Fathers, James Bradley writes that the image of his father and his fellow soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima “transported many thousands of anxious, grieving, and war-weary Americans into a radiant state of mind: a kind of sacred realm, where faith, patriotism, mythic history, and the simple capacity to hope intermingled.”  In The Greatest Generation, Brokaw also celebrates this simple, old-fashioned patriotism. “They love life and love their country,” Brokaw writes of his subjects, before adding, “and they are not ashamed to say just that.”“If there’s a common lament of this generation,” he notes later, it is “where is the old-fashioned patriotism that got them through so much heartache and sacrifice?”It’s not just patriotism, though, that distinguishes “the Greatest Generation any society has ever produced.” According to Brokaw, members of it share “a sense of duty to their country” that is not “much in fashion anymore.” Due to the “military training and discipline” they received during the war, they are models of self-control, and complain that, “the way you’re told to raise your kids now, there’s no discipline.” They are allergic to conspicuous consumption, humble and stoic, “refusing to talk about [the war] unless questioned and then only reluctantly.” They are “self-sufficient,” and characterized by “a sense of personal responsibility and a commitment to honesty.”  If this litany of values seems familiar, it’s because in the oppositional vocabulary of the culture war, they are virtues that, like the flag itself, conservatives claim as their own. In conservative mythology, it was the baby boomers–undisciplined, self-indulgent, unpatriotic–who unmoored the country from the traditional values of their forebears. Because the right has spent the better part of three decades pillorying the cultural legacy of the ’60s, it’s impossible for any work that celebrates the WWII generation not to serve a tacit culture war function.

And yet you are pillorying the cultural legacy of World War II and in favor of the so-called values of the Baby Boomer generation. So one could make an argument that “The Good War” blog post and accompanying comic strip likewise serve a tacit culture war function.

Even before 9/11, Karl Rove understood this all too well. In his essay “Operation Enduring Analogy: World War II, the War on Terror and the Uses of Historical Memory,” David Hoogland Noon, a history professor at the University of Alaska, Southeast, writes that even in his first campaign George W. Bush “consistently referenced World War II not simply to justify his own policy aims, but more importantly as a cultural project as well as an ongoing gesture of self-making,” positioning himself as “an heir to the reputed greatest generation of American leaders.”“In the world of our fathers, we have seen how America should conduct itself,” Bush said in a 1999 speech at the Citadel. Now, the moment had come “to show that a new generation can renew America’s purpose.” Throughout both his campaigns, Bush would go out of his way to criticize the dominant ethos of “If it feels good, do it,” instead calling for a “culture in which each of us understands we’re responsible for the decisions we make.” Bush’s allusions to the Greatest Generation were so persistent that the press came to see him–a Boomer child of privilege known for his youthful carousing–as a kind of throwback. Reporting on Bush’s first inaugural address, Newsweek’s Evan Thomas wrote that “Bush wants the White House to recover some of its dignity, to rise above baby-boomer self-indulgence and aspire to the order and self-discipline prized by the Greatest Generation.”  After 9/11 it seemed as if the entire country was ready to adopt the Greatest Generation values that Bush had so assiduously claimed as his own. We celebrated the manly heroism of the cops and firefighters who sacrificed their lives to save people. Editorials proclaimed the “death of irony” and a return to earnest patriotism. The flag that Spielberg had once resented and later come to love seemingly now hung from every home. 

OK, so G.W. Bush tells some students at the Citadel that people need to take responsibility for their decisions and people are grateful that firefighters and police risked and even gave their lives to save others after the September 11 attacks. This does not qualify as proof that people were deluded about the nature of war.

Bush, then, emerged as a kind of prophet. Because his image-makers had already portrayed him as having abandoned Boomer frivolity for Greatest Generation discipline, he seemed the natural choice to lead the country through its trials. In 2002, after congressional Democrats suffered losses in the mid-terms despite heavy campaigning from Bill Clinton, Time’s Margaret Carlson concluded this was due to a post 9/11 “shift in the culture,” in which “Clinton-era values are no longer America’s.” “Though a baby boomer,” Carlson observed, “Bush rejects the instant-gratification ethic embraced by Clinton, the nation’s first baby boomer President. … [Bush] often laments not being one of the Greatest Generation he so admires. …Whereas Clinton liked going on MTV with 18-year-olds, Bush urges them and their parents to return to an ‘era of responsibility.’ “

 I suppose the larger issue here is that you feel G.W. Bush’s reverence for the Greatest Generation led him to get involved in a war to prove himself, but if all you can do is keep bringing up that Bush urged people to be responsible for their decisions, it’s not proof of that.

It is impossible to separate the values celebrated in the Greatest Generation nostalgia from the experience of war itself, for the soldiers’ experiences formed the core of the entire liturgy.Stephen Ambrose, whose work serves as the foundation for the canon, documents the minutest details of soldiers’ battle experience, expressing “awe” at what they were able to endure. When Ambrose’s account was dramatized in Saving Private Ryan, critics hailed its unvarnished look at the mayhem of battle. Janet Maslin’s review in the New York Times summed up the consensus. While “the combat film has disintegrated into a showcase for swagger, cynicism, obscenely overblown violence and hollow, self-serving victories,” she wrote, Spielberg’s film “simply looks at war as if war had not been looked at before.” This description suffices for the film’s opening sequence, but when applied to the film’s overall meaning, it obscures much more than it reveals. In the film, a small company of American soldiers manages to survive the D-Day invasion, and are then led by their commander, John Miller (Tom Hanks), on a quest to find Private Ryan. Ryan’s three brothers have, unbeknownst to him, all recently died in combat, and U.S. General Command has decided to find the lone surviving Ryan boy and get him home to his grieving mother. Miller and his company, comprising a charmingly diverse assemblage of white guys, wander the French countryside still dotted with Germans, looking for the elusive private, who had parachuted ahead with the airborne.  But the film’s real message revolves not around Ryan, but Cpl. Timothy Upham. We first meet Upham when Miller goes to fetch him from his desk where he is poring over maps and translating communiqués from French and German. Young and wispy, with hair brushing his upper lip, Upham is a translator, not a fighter: He hasn’t fired a gun since basic training and wants to take his typewriter with him. He quickly earns the unit’s ire by annoyingly chatting everyone up and quoting books and poetry.  At one point, after engaging a German tank that manages to kill one of their own men, the American soldiers capture the lone surviving German and force him to dig his own grave before they execute him. As the German pathetically mutters nonsensical English phrases, Upham objects to Miller. “Captain, this isn’t right,” he says, “You know this. He’s a prisoner, he surrendered. He surrendered, sir.” Miller is skeptical, but ultimately swayed. He blindfolds the German and tells him to walk 1,000 paces and then turn himself in to the first American soldiers he sees. The other men grumble.It’s not the last we see of the German. In the film’s climatic battle, as the Americans try to hold a bridge under a heavy German attack, this same former prisoner returns to shoot and kill Captain Miller. Meanwhile, during the battle, Upham is paralyzed by a fear so total that, as his Jewish comrade wrestles hand-to-hand with a menacing Nazi, he can only cower in the stairwell below, crying as the Nazi plunges a knife in the Jewish soldier’s chest.  The message is clear. In the great struggle for the future of the free world, the intellectual cannot be trusted. His concern for the laws of war means he is weak and cowardly, and will contribute to defeat. Only the true soldier can win the war. This is the ethos of the Cult of the Soldier, which would come to entirely dominate our politics in the years to follow.

Your proof that the American military, president and people were delusional in their support for military action in Afghanistan revolves around fictional characters in a movie?! That’s not proof. That’s critical analysis and personal opinion, but it’s not proof of anything politically or historically. Upham does represent a rather complex figure. He opposes the death of the German soldier, but does not intervene to save the life of an American soldier. He doesn’t fit nicely into a “good guy-bad guy” narrative. That’s one of the great things about Saving Private Ryan is that the soldiers were neither all good- nor all bad.

“For it has been said so truthfully that it is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press,” Zell Miller boomed during his keynote speech at the 2004 Republican National Convention. “It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the agitator, who has given us the freedom to protest. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag who gives that protester the freedom he abuses to burn that flag.”The Cult of the Soldier wasn’t confined solely to the Republican Party. Just a month earlier, the Democratic National Convention had been converted into a four-day military pageant, with home movies of John Kerry as a young solider, his Swift Boat crew assembled on stage on the convention’s final night, and the nominee opening his acceptance speech with a stiff salute and the words, “John Kerry, reporting for duty.”  It didn’t work. Whatever points Kerry scored from his military valor were negated by ceaseless attacks on his character: from the incessant charge of flip-flopping to the slander of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. More devastatingly, Kerry’s personal story didn’t fit the idealized notion of honorable, dutiful, courageous combat, because after his service he returned home to question the war’s purpose and the war crimes of his fellow soldiers. If he played Miller in the war’s first act, he played Upham in its second.But even without the particulars of Kerry’s own moral journey, it was still destined to fail. Reality can’t compete with the power of these established symbols. To reinforce the Cult of the Soldier is to reinforce the same set of oppositional culture war cliches that undergird our current political discourse. You’re either with the war or you are against the troops. Not everyone was so naive as to miss this. Even before 9/11, historian Howard Zinn, himself a WWII bombardier, wrote in The Progressive that he refused to celebrate the Greatest Generation “because in doing so we are celebrating courage and sacrifice in the cause of war. And we are miseducating the young to believe that military heroism is the noblest form of heroism. … Indeed, the current infatuation with World War II prepares us–innocently on the part of some, deliberately on the part of others–for more war, more military adventures, more attempts to emulate the military heroes of the past.”

Howard Zinn makes a lot of great points. We need to understand that there are many types of heroism. Many veterans I have talked to express a great deal of admiration for people who simply work hard to make the world a better place, like teachers, parents, doctors and nurses. And we should never romanticize war to think that it will be an adventure. Though Interestingly enough, few people who had seen World War I approached World War II as an “adventure”. I encourage you to listen to Eleanor Roosevelt’s speech on the United States entering World War II and King George VI’s speech on Britain entering World War II.

The experience of Vietnam had largely succeeded in cleansing Americans of whatever romantic notions of military heroism they may have once held dear. For neoconservatives, our collective suspicion of war was a weak-kneed impediment to fulfilling our imperial calling, a national illness they diagnosed as “Vietnam syndrome.” Searching for a cure took up no small amount of conservative energy, but it was the centrists and liberals who produced the WWII nostalgia who ultimately provided it.

If you are talking about Vietnam, there was no “imperial calling”. The idea was to oust a communist government, not to make Vietnam a colony. Perhaps you have the Vietnam War and the Spanish-American War mixed up. Again, let me refer you to Ken Burns’ documentary on the Vietnam War. Even the extensive occupation of both Germany and Japan after World War II did not result in these nations becoming colonies of the United States.

There are significant differences between the War on Terror and the Vietnam War. I have summarized them here.

It is a grand irony that Spielberg claimed repeatedly that his entire motivation behind making Saving Private Ryan was to deconstruct the simplified version of WWII that Americans had come to accept. “All wars,” he said in a typical interview, are “chambers of horrors.” And that’s certainly true of the film’s opening and of the gruesome descriptions in Ambrose’s books and Brokaw’s recounting. But what emerges from these works is a picture of war as a chamber of physical horrors–torn limbs, exposed viscera, muck, blood. Absent completely are the moral horrors of combat, the horror of taking a life, of feeling the killer within. There’s a good deal of evidence that suggests the most traumatic experience of war isn’t being the target of violence, but rather the agent. A 1994 study of post-traumatic stress in veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam found that “responsibility for killing another human being is the single most pervasive, traumatic experience of war.”So when, as Spielberg and Brokaw both point out, WWII veterans refuse to say they are heroes, it may not be due to any generational humility, but rather because, in their view, they really aren’t heroes. Taking another human life may sometimes be necessary, but it is rarely, if ever, heroic.

But it’s not the taking of life that many people feel qualifies WWII veterans as heroic. It was their willingness to give their life to stop the spread of tyranny and oppression.

In fact, the more recent Greatest Generation texts by and large display far less moral nuance than the classic World War II literature produced by the men who fought in it. In Catch-22, to name just one example, there is no glory or moral clarity, only surreal, horrific absurdity. At one point, as Yossarian is about to embark on a bombing run, he asks his comrades, “Do you guys realize, we are going to bomb a city that has no military targets, no railroads, no industries, only people?”

Catch-22 was written by a World War II veteran, but it’s not a historical work. I read it in my senior capstone course. It’s a commentary on “the establishment” and on the author’s experiences during the war. But you shouldn’t be citing one writer’s work of fiction as history. (Remember Galaxy Quest?) And Joseph Heller can’t speak for the experience or feelings of other veterans, who encompass a wide array of experiences and perspectives. But for the record, yes, the Allies engaged in what was called “area bombing” with the purpose of diminishing morale of the Germans. (Though most of these cities were actually major industrial centers.)  Patton himself was actually against this tactic, which was both brutal to civilians and largely ineffective at stopping the German military. It was Allies ability to overpower the Luftwaffe and make successful wins on the ground that proved to be devastating to the German army. But the Allies weren’t alone in the usage of area bombing– the Germans actually started it.

The WWII that emerges from accounts of the late ’90s is one scrubbed clean of its moral complexity. There is no mention of American big business financing the build-up of the Nazi war machine, no America First campaign determined not to shed American blood for European Jews, no firebombing of civilians in Dresden. The war was difficult, yes, and bloody, but pure and just: a battle, not to put too fine a point on it, between good and evil. 

Interesting, because the Vietnam War protest movement has been similarly scrubbed clean of its moral complexity as well. Americans are typically unaware that Vietnamese citizens were killing and torturing each other in the name of building a better nation both before and after American involvement. Rarely do people talk about the Weather Underground and the fact that they committed terrorist acts by bombing government and military targets and targeting civilians as well. Rarely do people talk about the harassment that Vietnam War soldiers endured by protesters who never bothered to learn what an individual soldier had done or not done in Vietnam. Once again, let me refer you to Ken Burns’ documentary on the Vietnam War. There is a poignant moment when a woman who was an anti-war activist tearfully described how she had, in her prejudice against soldiers, done things that she was ashamed of and how sorry she felt about her actions. 

The overall goal of the Vietnam War protest movement was laudable. They wanted to see both Americans and Vietnamese live peaceful lives free from violence. But the actions many people took in the name of that were unethical and amoral. Acts of terrorism are not confined to the military or war. They are the product of desperate people who are convinced they have the moral high ground.

In the hands of the men who would come to dominate American military policy in the Bush administration, this Manichean framework was a useful template to apply indiscriminately to any and all of the military confrontations they had long sought. To the neocons and some breakaway lefties, al-Qaeda members are “Islamofascists,” 21st century heirs to the murderous ideologies of Nazism, fascism and totalitarianism. It is always Munich 1938, every dictator is a “tyrant,” and anyone opposed to a state of perpetual war is guilty of “appeasement.”“In the 20th century, some chose to appease murderous dictators, whose threats were allowed to grow into genocide and global war,” Bush said in a March 17, 2003, address that would herald the beginning of the bombing of Iraq. “In this century, when evil men plot chemical, biological and nuclear terror, a policy of appeasement could bring destruction of a kind never before seen on this earth.”  

Appeasement was the first course of action with Hitler. At the 1938 Munich Conference, France and Great Britain met with Italy and Germany and gave Hitler the Sudetenland in hopes that such a gesture would halt his takeover of Europe. It didn’t. Actually, appeasement and concessions were the first strategy for dealing with Slobodan Milosevic as well. That didn’t work either.

I believe the very definition of a dictator is to be oppressive and almost always violent, so when you say that the scenario plays out that “every dictator is a ‘tyrant’, we could quibble over semantics, but it’s pretty much true. (Are you saying there are some dictators who are not tyrants? Are you implying that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were not tyrants? If they do not meet your definition of a tyrant, then why not?) As for “perpetual war”, George W. Bush was the one who signed the Status of Forces agreement in 2008 which planned for all American troops to be out by 2011. That’s not “perpetual war”.

Making WWII the touchstone for martial combat allowed the militarists we politely call “neoconservatives” to imbue all wars with the same moral purpose. The Greatest Generation nostalgia succeeded in helping to subtly shift the burden of proof, such that wars were presumed innocent and righteous, as opposed to the far more sane position that war is guilty until proven innocent.  

That’s a pretty black and white way of looking at it. Under that assumption, what position would you have held in World War II as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan took over nations before the eyes of the world? If all wars are guilty until proven innocent, what should have been done about the human rights abuses in Afghanistan and Iraq? What about the continued efforts of terrorists to kill Americans? If you’re opposed to war as a strategy for dealing with these problems, then you should give some alternatives and provide reasons for them.

If there’s a single guiding ethos for the Bush’s administration’s foreign policy, it is this: that contrary to the age-old insight about the “fog of war,” war brings moral clarity even as it clouds the senses. In the first days of the escalating missile and rocket strikes between Israel and Hezbollah, Dan Bartlett, a White House aide, explained that “[The president] mourns the loss of every life. Yet out of this tragic development, he believes a moment of clarity has arrived.”Through the crucible of battle, evil and good announce themselves. In the absence of violence, they remain hidden.  The people who produced the books and movies that would come to define WWII nostalgia were by no means reactionaries. Spielberg is famously liberal, Brokaw widely rumored to be a Democrat, and Ambrose an establishment centrist who in 1995 penned an op-ed calling for Colin Powell to run for president.So whatever the nationalistic and militaristic effects of the symbolic vocabulary they built, war and patriotism weren’t the primary aims. No, what seems to motivate the soft-focus reflections on the ’40s is the unparalleled experience of unity that the Good War created. “The one time the nation got together was World War II,” says Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) in The Greatest Generation. “We stood as one. We spoke as one. We clenched our fists as one.”  By appealing to an era of broad national consensus, Brokaw, Spielberg and Ambrose tapped a popular urge to rise above the social striations and fissures of post-’60s upheavals. After 30 years of culture war, they were calling for a truce. And as the initial reaction to 9/11 showed, Americans were ready for one.  On the 60th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, with the country still just three months removed from the 9/11 attacks, George W. Bush invoked, as he would many times in the years that followed, the unwavering unity America had displayed during World War II. “During four years of war,” he said, “no one doubted the rightness of our cause; no one wavered in the quest of victory.”  A state in which “no one doubts the rightness” of its cause is a state in which politics has ceased to exist. In retrospect, that is what the nation sought in the waning days of the 20th century. Crowding into theatres to watch Saving Private Ryan, curling up to read The Greatest Generation, Americans were longing for something greater, more noble and less petty than mere politics. But mere politics turns out to be the only bulwark we have against the collective madness that war engenders. When politics dies, when it is suffocated underneath the warm blanket of patriotic consensus, the conscience of the republic dies along with it.

At the start of the Iraq War, around 15% of Americans felt that the US should stay out of Iraq, but by 2014 that number had jumped to 41%. People’s views on particular conflicts have changed as we take a longer range view. There is no “collective madness that war engenders”. People’s views about wars tend to vary a great deal with time and current events. If you think you are in a small minority, you’re not. (Which is why you have over 200,000 followers on Facebook for your little journalism site.)